Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Wish I'd Known . . .

Oh, the things I wish I'd known . . . about boys. . .

I wish I'd known that
* Sweet sixteen and never been kissed is good and wonderful thing.
* Cultivate friendships with the right group of girlfriends. The boys will work themselves out.
* You can't get your innocence back, so hold onto it with both hands.
* If you have doubts, listen to them.
* But don't let doubts rule your life. (Follow that?)
* Take the time to observe. Step back and just watch every now and then.
* The boys in high school will still be boys in college.
* When someone says, "You're too good for him" LISTEN!
* Do not, under any circumstance, buy your own engagement ring.
* Sometimes snooping is called for.
* Trust is earned in high school.
* High school is not life. It is four years.
* Date, do not commit.
* Have fun, do not be serious.
* "Hooking up" is lame.
* College friendships are important.
* Your heart will get broken. That's not always a bad thing.
* You can break somebody else's heart.
* Look for a man. Ignore the boys.
* When you find the right man, you will know.
* When that man find you, he will know.
* Be patient and wait for him.

What do you wish you'd known?


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  1. A lot of what you listed is true for me too. Especially worrying about boys. I was so desperate for a boyfriend, just for the status of having one! I wish I'd spent a lot less time worrying about all that.

  2. Everything you wrote, I know myself, but didn't know when I needed to (follow THAT one? hahaha).

    I wish I would've listened to my mother say, "You have to kiss a lot of boys before you find your prince!"

    I, of course, felt every boy I kissed WAS my prince. So, mistakes were made, as were life long regrets, but you know what? They made me who I am today. -Karen

  3. Your heart will get broken how true. Sometimes by the Prince. All we can do is pick ourselves up and brush ourselves off and move on.

  4. Also wish I'd have known not to buy my own ring! Ugh.

    Be nice to the nice boy. You never know...

  5. They'll still be boys when they're 42 too.

  6. oh my love.
    hooking up is SO lame.

  7. Love this. :) I wish I'd known that my life would turn out oh so differently than I'd imagined....but it would be oh so much better than I could have dreamed. :)

  8. Well said! I wish I'd known: my mom wasn't crazy or "old fashioned" when she gave me advice... things will never really change that much when it comes to boys!

  9. I'm SO enjoying your blogs! I might be up til 3 tonight...
