Thursday, October 4, 2012

Politics and Facebook

I'm a republican. But I don't think Obama is evil. Do I agree with his politics? Not quite. I also don't think Romney is evil. Do I agree with Romney? Not quite.

So who am I going to vote for?

I don't know.

Then,  after reading my Facebook feed this morning I decided. I'm totally voting for Obama.

Then I got deeper into my feed .  . . and decided I'm totally voting for Romney.

Because these Facebook status' verbally ripping Obama and Romney apart really made me think and change my point of view


Here's what those status updates did do:

Convince me that Republicans are going to vote for Romney because Obama is an evil man.

And also convince me that Democrats are going to vote for Obama because, duh, Romney is an evil man.

Mind? Blown.

So, who am I voting for on November 4?

I don't know.


  1. I'm a Republican too and I don't think either of them are evil men. I wish there were another choice because I don't really agree completely with either of their views. But I agree more with Romney so although I'm not overjoyed by the man, he will get my vote.

  2. This is SO me. Politics drive me crazy!

  3. I'm a died-in-the-wool Democrat (which you already know). But I don't think Romney is evil. But I do think he's out of touch particularly on education, health care and social issues. Those things are the most important to me so that's where my vote lies. Vote where your heart and conscious are. And the feed was CRAZY this morning. You should have seen Twitter last night! lol

  4. What gets me about the Facebook soapboxing is, well, just about everybody that sees whatever you're saying has already made up their mind.

  5. I am SO exactly there. I hide out from social media on debate nights.

  6. This is so me! I have no clue who I'll be voting for this year. I don't know if I'll vote yes or no for expanded gambling, either. But I *do* know that I'll be voting yes on 6 in support of gay marriage!
