Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Loving Yourself : A list

OK, so I was just over at John's place, Daddy Run's A Lot, and he put a challenge to us: write down things you love about yourself. I immediately clicked away. Then realized that I had to accept to the challenge. I think this is harder than writing about my depression -it's so easy to identify those things we dislike, we constantly point them out. To each other, to ourselves on a daily basis. What about those things that we love? What about a little self love? And go read John's list. Oh, and to add to John's list: great dad. He forgot that one.

So. My list. So hard. In no particular order:

1. I love that I am, after 10 years, still madly and deeply in love with my husband.

2. I love my hair.

3. I love the way I can  write a great post and connect with people. It makes me feel good for days and days.

4. I love that I am honest.

5. I love that I am talkative. Sometimes overly so, but it's a funky quirk about me. I own it.


Now, go over to John's place  and link up. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to tell us things that you like about YOU. Are you up for it?


  1. you are so right - its hard for me to write good things about me. i LOVE your list!!

  2. This is a great idea. And I love your hair too!;)

  3. Those are all great things to love about yourself. As little as I know you, I think I would add "genuine" to your list.

  4. It's so easy for us to concentrate on the things we don't like. Unfortunately, when you spend lots of time doing just that - looking at the mirror (literal or figurative) and saying "I wish I could change this and that and that and that and that and that," you stop noticing the things that, even if they're not perfect, you really like.

    Thanks for sharing :-)

  5. Honesty coupled with kick ass hair are always awesome ;)

  6. this is terrific! i think i need to do this. we all should remember these every day. love you, blog friend!

  7. I love your hair as well. I think it's great you did this, I would have clicked out thinking, "Well, there's no way I'm going to put that out there." But you did and I love this list.

  8. I love this. I am so doing this. And your list is fantastic, and given that I just read your most recent post, #1 is my favorite :)

  9. I couldn't comment on your list b/c I was on my phone, but it was great! So glad you did it!
