Thursday, March 29, 2012

What Does That Mean?

I'm looking in my 'blogging handbook.' It's the book I keep at the ready to take notes in whenever a post strikes me. I'll be honest, there aren't that many notes in it as of late.

You've noticed.

The notes I do have read like this:

*Proud mom moment: kids and Bella dancing to Raise Your Glass. That was an epic fail.

*Getting ready for John's IEP


*Med Adjustment-anxiety??

*Therapy session

The problem: with the exception of the first note, I have no idea what the other ones mean. I just jotted down random words, thinking, "I'll totally remember this." Only, uhm, not so much.

So . . . there you have it.  A week of blog posts with out the actual posts.




  1. HAHA! That sounds like me. I think of neat things and think, oh this is so great that I don't even need to write it down. How could I forget? Yeah. Except it's for everyday. Ha.

  2. Uh, not gonna lie - dancing to "raise your glass?" Not nearly a fail. No way. That's a proud momma moment, eh??

  3. I fail to see how the first item on your list is a fail.

    Since I'm at a computer at work all day, I'll just create a blank post and jot ideas in it . . . only, at the end of the day, they make absolutely no sense, and I don't remember what I was going to write, or why.

    Some day, maybe, I'll be able to investigate just what I was thinking. Maybe.

  4. During my hypomanic phase just a few weeks ago, I've found at least a hundred notes around my house with just a single word on if I'm going to know what that idea was.
    Brains. Funny organs.

  5. yup. If only we could get them to cooperate.
