Thursday, December 2, 2010

I Did Not Inhale

I've just started watching the show 'Weeds' -- I know, I'm way behind, right? So the other night, I'm happily watching when one of the characters says he's gotten his 'med card' so he can get marijuana legally. Because he's depressed. Of course, in the show he's faking it just to get high, but my head snapped around. Marijuana to treat depression? What?? I've heard about it's ability to calm queasy stomachs due to chemotherapy/radiation, and pain. But depression?
My mind reeled. Because honestly, medical marijuana was always something abstract to me, something unreal and shady. Then the word depression entered into play and I was forced to stop and think about it being a viable treatment option -- for anything.

So I did some research. Now, the people who are for medical marijuana period, are of course saying yes! Marijuana treats depression! I found a lot of 'research' that said marijuana could treat anything from acne to cancer to depression to getting a date. But the more I read the more I started digging out the real research. The consensus, of the pro side, seems to be, that with the right strain of marijuana (and don't ask me to get into that. You need to combine two different strains and make your own hybrid. Hello, MILF marijuana Ala Weeds.) in low doses, and taken in food or a tincture, marijuana has shown to be better than antidepressants at helping those with depression.

 I was on antidepressants for years. And they? Did nothing for me. I was wallowing around, trying all sorts of combinations of them. I'm now on different meds that have completely changed my life. But . . .

What if, in the midst of all that hell, I'd been told of these studies. What if I'd been presented with the data I just read? What if I lived in a medically legal state? I thought I would tell you I'd say, "No way. It's marijuana."

But. I don't know. When I look back on what my life was, and what it is now. And that maybe, just maybe this other drug could have given me this . .  I honestly don't know. I know I was desperate. I know I was trying any combination of drugs thrown at me. What if the psychiatrist had said, "Let's try this."? And it was legal?

Suddenly something I thought was total crap, and just an excuse for people to get high . . . well it has a use. My conservative brain has opened and a bit of liberalism has creeped in. What if nothing else worked?  What if this new med I'm on didn't work? I start to cry just thinking about it. I can no longer just say, "No, it's total crap" without truly thinking about it from all angles. I don't know that I would go for it. But I also don't know that I wouldn't. And that? Rocks my world.

What do you think?


  1. I've never heard about the ability of Marijuana to treat depression. Now I have to admit that I haven't researched it, but in my opinion.. if it were true.. wouldn't the depression rates of Holland be way lower than all other countries? I think it's just a mental thing and that it MIGHT help for SOME people.. because they feel better when they're high. I could be totally wrong..

  2. Diana @Hormonal ImbalancesDecember 2, 2010 at 3:01 PM

    A. I would like for you to stop posting when I am supposed to be getting things done. I start reading and then I'm like, "Dangit, I was in the middle of..." and have to stop and finish what I was doing. Hence the 2 hours on your blog.

    B. I'm against marijuana, but I've never had a *need* for it. So I'm only against it in a very judgmental way - which means that I have no idea if it really helps anything. I would be hesitant to ever use it because of the way it would look to Bella, and I don't like to feel altered.

  3. I think it's a drug just like any other, and if it's regulated for medical use the way other prescription drugs are then I am all for people having that option. Why not? Every drug alters your brain chemistry or your physical responses in some way -- we take ibuprofen for headaches and mucinex to dry up our mucus. People take lithium to alter their brain chemistry if they have an imbalance. But it's controlled. If marijuana can be useful to some in a similar way, as long as it is regulated the way lithium or ibuprofen is regulated, I think it would be wrong to deny that option to people who need it.

    I'm with Diana; I also don't like to feel altered. So it's not something I would choose to use for a recreational purpose. But if I had clinical depression and that were presented to me as an option for treatment, I would definitely consider it. Just the way I'd consider any other options presented. That seems to be the big difference -- whether it's available to people for recreational use or whether it's available to people who have a medical need for it. But our perception is so ingrained because of the way it's used for recreation, I think it can be hard to step back from the connotation of it being a "drug" and reconsider it in the light of being a "medicine." Medicines are drugs after all; they're just drugs that are controlled and regulated.

  4. Well...
    I'm from Canada, and here I think we're a little more 'lax about "weed".
    But, I'm not a pot smoker, nor will I ever be. In fact, I am against it for the most part, as reality (IMO) is better than anything a drug can give me. I don't even drink.

    But thats not the case for some people.

    I have an Uncle who has Multiple Sclerosis. He's in constant pain.
    The doctors told him & his family about his options to get some relief. The two options that were supposed to smother the pain the best? Oxycontin & Marijuana.
    It sounds bogus, but medical MJ really does work. It's (obviously) a much better choice than the herion derivitave that Oxycontin is. Plus, (hippy moment!) you're medicating your body with something that is taken straight from the Earth (yup, opium is too, but there are a lot of chemicals in Oxy that are SO addictive).
    It really helps my Uncle a) come to term with his disease and b) ward off the constant pain.
    The thing with pot, is it takes your mind off things.
    &, for people with depression, this could be a godsend.

    The one thing I will say about pot - even though I really hate the idea of people using it recreationally - is that it is not addictive, and its almost impossible to overdose on it.
    We've studyed it a lot not only in Psychology (I've taken 4+ courses in Psych) but also Criminology. If I were to start up any drug (Smoking & alcohol included), it would be pot. Because it really is the least damaging to families, etc. Sometimes I can't believe alcohol is legal but pot isn't - but then, the governments would loose a substaintial amount of tax money if they legalized marijuana.

    Anyway. My advice to you is to consider it.
    Look at your options, talk to a doctor, see if it's feasible for you. I do agree with Tara - medicines are drugs, and drugs are medicines.
    Some things just work better than others.


    P.S. Theres this episode of Desperate Housewives where one of the husbands is battling PPD. A holistic doctor gave him medical pot. Good episode, but, you know TV. All his problems magically went away after ahwile.

  5. I don't know, but I do find what you posted interesting. In most cases, I'm against it and think people are often just trying to find ways to get high. But you have some interesting information there.

  6. I bet after you wrote this you drove home in your Prius while sipping a latte from Starbucks, you liberal, you. :-P

    I thought the same thing too and I'm kind of torn on the whole drug issue. From my experience, I think narcotics are far worse and much more habit forming. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks as doctors tried to figure out what was causing my pancreatitis, and was on a steady dose of morphine 24/7, and even higher doses during procedures, which they performed every other day. When they finally figured out what was wrong and fixed it, they discharged me and I had severe withdrawal. And yet, these drugs are legalized and regulated. I'm not sure what makes marijuana that much worse, other than the stigma it comes with.

  7. I'm torn, and definetely agree that A LOT of people only want to legalize it as a way to get high.

    Yes, I can see it being used to treat depression, and OF COURSE it would work... BECAUSE YOU'RE HIGH!!!! And after you smoke, you'll get the munchies, and then gain 5 pounds a week. oh, and lets not forget the risk of getting cancer from them. Do they still say smoking 1 joint is equal to 10 cigarettes?) But, I guess like every drug, there are side effects.

    My other concern is people driving while they are high..but i guess that's a blog for another time.

    Now, in the case of someone in chronic pain - dying from cancer, debilating arthritis (both of which I've had love ones suffer with)etc, etc, if normal pain relievers don't work, HELL YES!
