Tuesday, January 4, 2011

News Flash: I Stress Eat

Shocker, huh? I mean, I knew I was a stress eater. But what I didn't know was what I defined as stress. Prior to today, I'd have said that for me, truly stressful things that make me stress eat would be a sick child (not like a cold sick, but actually ill), arguing with my husband, money trouble, a day where the kids are sick, the laundry isn't done, the oven breaks (oh, haven't I told you about that?), and I get poo'ed on. Before 9 a.m. What I would not have said was stressful:

Loading songs onto an MP3 player. Not an ipod. An "MP3 Player. "
*Excuse me while I finish the very large, very calorie laden chocolate bar I've been gnawing on.*


This is an ipod. i-awesome.

??Friends, there is a very real, very valuable reason ipod has the monopoly on the music to go market. All the i-stuff? BUY IT. Do not buy the imitations. If you do, you will get fat and lazy and wind up wiping chocolate off your chin at 8 o'clock in the evening because you've been messing with craptastic crap all.day.long.
I spent all farking day attempting to download Taylor Swift's 'Speak Now' from a CD onto Violet's MP3 player. But apparently it's not called 'downloading.' That's an Apple term.  It's called 'ripping.' So I spent 4, yes 4 hours attempting to complete a task that is not complete-able. Then I saw the word 'rip.'

Wait . . . I've heard this term before . . .  Nancy D. You've said this word. You floated into my mind . . . so I clicked it. And the CD began to 'rip' onto the MP3 player. 45 flippity flip flip minutes later it was done . . .'ripping.' Wait. I need more chocolate.

I went to Rhapsody. Just to make sure that this whole MP3 deal really did suck the large hairy monkey balls I thought it did. Oh, wait. Let me back up.

FIRST I went to this e-music place where I had 35 free! songs. Free! 35! 89 cents! Yeah  . . . because you.have.no.music. Seriously. I searched The Jonas Brothers (It's for Violet. Remember?) They didn't have even one song. Really? The Jonas Brothers? Not one? No Miley Cyrus, not even from her non-slutty Hannah Montana days? Wow, what a deal. 35 free songs, for my 7 year old . . . if I wanted "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"  . . . which I did not.

Anyway. So now I'm at Rhapsody. I find Bruno Mars, Beautiful to Me, I think it is. I buy it for 99 cents as an experiment. I write down the steps on how to locate the file on my computer in case I lose the file. Why? Because a big ole' screen pops up when I hit 'purchase' that says:

If you cannot locate your Rhapsody purchase, do the following

I, being the genius I am, suspect I should pay attention. So I do. Annnnd I lose the file. But wait! Look! I wrote down the steps! So I follow them.


But . . chocolate.

I searched every.single.farking.file on my computer. I found a place on Rhapsody that told me what file to type into search should I still not be able to find my file. Hmmm, has this perhaps happened before?? I searched it. Guess what? Nothing. I tried to copy the word, because it's late, I'm tired and I've had a lot of chocolate at this point. But Rhapsody closed. It said my session had 'timed out.'



I consumed 1 1/2 of these puppies. Don't judge.

?? I have consumed just over 890 calories and 42 grams of fat  in dark, rich, sexy, chocolate in the last 5 hours. Plus a half bag of white cheddar popcorn. What? Did I forget to mention that? And dinner. That was 400 calories and 14 grams of fat.

And yes, I really did add all this up. It shows you how much food I needed to load Violet's MP3 player with . . .oh. Not.a.single.song.

Bad words go here. Very, very, terrible, awful words that will burn your eyes, go here.

So Apple? I lurve you. And one of us? (Violet or I) Will be getting an ipod in the near, oh so near future.

*super special words, 'craptastic and flipity' are not my gems. I wish I could claim them as my own. Kate and Lydia invented them.


  1. Oh, don't worry. iTunes sucks as well. My husband's $400 iPhone is just not syncing properly. And it is driving me up a wall trying to figure it out!

  2. Oh, Kim. This whole post is exactly the way you speak in person and the reason I think you're born to blog. I feel you, girl...Apple totally beats everything non-Apple. Maybe get an iPod Shuffle. They should be somewhat affordable by now, right? Sure it might not have a screen but you don't listen with your eyes, do you?? :P

  3. I have to be honest with you, and every reference to electronic devices, I was reading blah blah blah...then you wrote chocolate, and I was like, "Oh a post about chocolate! I love this blogger!"
    Sorry, I'm about as technologically savvy as a cat.

  4. Oh, that sucks. Big time. We went through something similar with my hubbies old MP3 player...and learned that he can't use iTunes with it. And did you know that if you buy something to use as a song on your computer, for say, something like a photo show...that downloading to iTunes is perhaps the worst thing you can do? Because yeah, the file is not compatible or something. Stupid technology.

  5. Grace @ Arms Wide OpenJanuary 5, 2011 at 9:33 AM

    i tried to comment for ever last night on my ipod but it wouldn't work!

    this was hilarious!!!

    1. i am very jealous of your chocolate bars.
    2. you are super mom.
    3. get an ipod touch. LIKE STAT.

  6. Oooh what a pain. I could have helped! Yes that E music thing is garbage with free garbage songs.

    I use Amazon because they don't charge tax and songs are .99 and usually they have cheap cds. UGH! Poor you.

  7. somehow your father acquired an extra Christmas gift (my fault) and you lost one . . . so perhaps we could contribute to the purchase. But, just so you remember, we did warn you about the MP3 thing not being as easy as the "real thing"

  8. Oh, gaaa! The big G chocolate has that gazillion calories????

    Why did I come here this morning??

    Oh,yeah, to thank you for your visit.

    Oh, why oh why...
