Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sick & Tired Of Being . . . Sick!

OK, I'm done, my friends. DONE. These three petri dishes I call my children are sick again. Violet and Sarah both have fevers today.  Can I please get a break? We haven't had a full week of being healthy since January 1st. I'm not kidding.

 We've had sinus infections, two cases of strep throat, raging fevers of 103.7 that lasted for fourdays. Yes, four days. Diarrhea that lasted seven. Seh-ve-en. Dayys. My hands were raw and chapped from cleaning the bathroom and kitchen and washing my hands so much. I had a fever for three days straight. And when mom gets a fever? It is not pretty. I don't know how kids do it. I gave the girls Motrin this morning upon discovering their fevers. They are now happily tearing up their bedrooms playing upstairs. When I had a fever? I was hopped up on as much Motrin and Tylenol as I could shove into my body, shivering on the sofa in the fetal position.

My kids eat incredibly healthy. They honestly do. They devour apples, oranges and banana's on a daily basis. They each yogurt multiple times a day. A snack for them is a container of yogurt, an apple and peanut butter or Nutella and maybe a cheese stick. (yes, I know that's a lot of food. I know. They eat non stop. They are also active non stop, all lean and muscular.) Breakfast is usually oatmeal, toast, juice and fruit, or cereal. Lunch is peanut butter sandwiches, fruit, cheese, yogurt, milk, maybe some graham crackers. Dinner is usually chicken or beef, noodles, fruit, yogurt (because Sarah and John have a limited repertoire of what they eat, even though they eat a lot) and a veggie. Violet eats salad, broccoli, carrots, pretty much anything I put in front of her. They take a multi-vitamin and vitamin C every day. Wash their hands after using the bathroom. Bathe at least every other night. Don't have dirty fingernails. Play outside in the sun so they don't have a vitamin D deficiency.

So what is the problem? Are they sick because there is three of them and they're passing germs back and forth between them? What are your ideas?


  1. I don't have kids so I haven't had this experience. But I know that in my office we've been passing something around and around and around since Christmas. There are five of us in very close quarters and we are just constantly on top of each other. We wash our hands and Purell like crazy women. We are super careful not to cough on each other and we santize everything around us constantly. Yet, we keep getting sick. I think it's probably unavoidable this time of year. Good luck and I hope you all feel better soon.

  2. Ugh! Hope they get to feeling better soon! Maybe they didn't get the memo that Spring is on it's way?! Or maybe they did, and they're trying to get it all out of the way before Spring Break!

  3. Yup. I think you're bang on: they're passing it back and forth.
    And just for the record, I think healthy eating is a benefit, but when those germs are on a mission, there is little to do but wait them out.

  4. Yeah, I would guess they're passing it back and forth. What a mess. I hope they can finally get over this once and for all. Spring is almost here, right?

  5. Maybe there's some small, random thing that you're forgetting to clean? I remember forgetting to sanitize one pacifier that was laying in my daughter's crib when she was little and she got hand, foot and mouth three times in a row! I felt terrible when I realized I had forgotten all about that lone pacifier.

    Have you gotten rid of toothbrushes? Sanitized toys? dress up clothes? What about pillows (not just the pillow cases)? Or maybe those nasty germs are just in your air ducts? Maybe change the filter in your heater just in case. :)

    I'm sure you've cleaned and sanitized pretty much everything in your house by now but maybe there's one small, random thing you've forgotten?

    And I hope you all feel better soon!!!

  6. OOh my goodness! Poor girl! Seven days? That is criminal. Hope yall can kick all that asap!

  7. So sorry! We've been (knock on wood) pretty lucky this year and haven't had a lot of sickness. Hope yours goes away soon!

  8. It's good to know that at least it's not just me! AND that it's adults as well!

  9. Spring . . . .oh how I'm dreaming of spring! I think I need to give the house a good airing out. Spring makes me think of fresh air, and it totally led my mind there! And I just saw the title of your last post - twice baked potatoes -- uhm, so have to go check that out!

  10. Do your kids pass it like that? 'Cuz it's just killing me. My brother and I were spaced so much farther apart that I don't think we swapped germs so much.

  11. OK, you have given me some GREAT ideas!! I did the toothbrushes and gave them each their own toothpaste. We just did the heater and ducts. But those dress up clothes! AND pillows! I change the cases all the time -- but eeew. Now that I'm thinking about the drool and snot . . gag. Can you wash feather pillows? I'm guessing NOT. Target here I come!

  12. Jess, are you ready for this? We just got back from the doctor. Sarah has another sinus infection AND some sort of infection/virus deal that is causing her to wheeze. So now she's on a nebulizer 3x's a day & antibiotics. The doc was all 'has she been coughin?' and as I said 'no' Sarah literally started hacking like a 15 pack a day smoker. I'm *such* an awesome mom!

  13. Keep knocking!! I'm breaking out the hazmat suits. Really.

  14. Sweetie, first of all you have my sympathy. Secondly, I know how you feel - been there done that.

    Though all the healthy eating and cleaning you are are forgetting one crucial little detail.

    THEY ARE CHILDREN!!!!! They always have their hands in their mouth, nose or eyes, so they are going to catch everything out there and everything from each other.

    Sucks - I know :(

  15. Glad I could help. :) Get those waterproof pillow case things, that way you won't have to worry about what's getting in your pillows. And no, I don't think you can wash feather pillows. :(

  16. I do not know. But I do know that I read what they eat for dinner and instead of beef I read beer.


  17. Yes, Diana, you found me out. We give the kids beer for dinner. And lunch. I figure it'll kill the germs if it doesn't make them sleepy first. :)
