Friday, March 11, 2011

60 Minutes

One hour. 60 minutes. 3,600 seconds.

That's all I want. That's all I ask. I ply them with brand new Crayola Color Wonder paper and markers. Coloring books. Coloring pages. I used to bring toys, but that proved intolerable. I bribe them with food when I think a mess won't be made. I glare. I stare. I bare my teeth. I flare my nostrils. I hiss. I growl. I threaten. I promise. I follow through. But do I get those sweet, illusive 60 minutes?


Every Thursday, each and every Thursday since the beginning of time, Violet has had dance. Sarah and John go with me, armed with an assortment of activities to keep them busy. Because I am a good, well prepared mom who knows children need to be kept occupied in enclosed spaces. And then one of two scenario's takes place.

Scenario one:

My friend, Mary, is not in the lobby (she has something else more important to do. As if.) So I sit with a magazine or my knitting for that hour. Sarah and John color. They do spread out across the floor quite a bit -- they tend to think they own the place. They color and talk and wander around. I may or may not read them a book. The End.

Scenario Two:

Mary is waiting for me in the lobby! I set Sarah and John up with the same coloring activities. Mary also has a boy almost the same age as John, who is glad to color. Who enjoys coloring quietly. (little buggar) And then:

So, I tried that knitting pattern, what I don't understand is


on the fifth row, where it says to purl


anyway, I was at the Swap shop and guess who I saw! Go ahead, you'll never guess! 


*Mommy asked you two for one hour. One hour. Here are your crayons. John, go to that corner. Sarah go that corner. Co.lor.*

OK, So then she turned and totally started making eyes at him! Yes, totally! Can you believe it? No! I didn't say a word, I was too

*what? No, you may not climb the wall.*

You saw her with him? Wait, the same day? But I thought she was married

[caption id="attachment_497" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Angels or Howler Monkeys? "][/caption]

*did I say no climbing the wall?*

Your ex said what?? Did you throat punch him? Can I throat punch him? You know I totally will. I mean, I'll totally think about


I use a steamer on my floor. And vinegar.

*John, if you jump on Mommy's foot one.more.time I will put you in time out. Outside in the hall. Really.*

No, I've tried that, how do you make an apple-pomegranate-pineapple martini? How much liquor is in it?

*John, we're going to the hall* Cue screaming. Out to the hall we go. Where a young girl, about 11 years old, looks at me, horrified, then at John, who is prostrate on the ground, obviously just been beaten and water boarded, and asks him, HIM, "Are you alright?" OMG. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or thank her for making sure my son was safe! I opted for a generic, "He's angry at me and in a time out. But thank you, Sweetie."

I took John back inside. Where he was incredibly well behaved and quiet. He colored and read books. For five farking minutes.


At the end of class, Mary pulled out a knitting pattern and I had a question. I sat the kids down and said, "Give me five minutes." My mistake. I get that. I.get.that. But you guys, I get one hour. One time a week. And really? I don't even get that. So I wanted more. Oh, how I wanted it. So I reached for it. I stretched out my hand . . .and it slipped through my fingers like the slippery beast that it is. We left in a chours of screams and stomps, my face beat red and me fighting back tears, humiliated.

Because what does this say about my ability to parent? I saw the side eyes, the angry eyes of the other parents in the lobby as my kids lost.their.damn.minds. Had I lost mine? The parents eyes asked me. Obviously.

So, what does it say about my parenting skills? On the days that Mary is not at dance and I am physically looking at my children they are well behaved. The minute I engage in another activity they become howler monkeys. They are four and five. I am not asking for them to sit in a corner and read War and Peace. I am asking for quiet play. Which they do all the time. When I look at them. And this makes sense how?


PS. B and AM? I am so sorry. I sincerely apologize.


  1. I think most all of us have been there. Me? More times than I'd like to admit. I mean, geez, mine are 11 and 7 and I can't even take them to the grocery store without feeling like I'm going to LOSE MY MIND!
    With mine, I think there is a lot of sibling rivalry going on and they feed off each other. Get one alone without the other and their whole demeanor changes.
    I have much freedom now that they are in school but God help me, summer will be here soon!

  2. No way that falls under the "parenting fail"! Although I know the scenario all too well and feel the exact same way when it's happening to me.
    It seems anytime I'm somewhere without my kids I inevitably witness someone else's child(ren) throwing it down and that poor mother giving me the look that says "I'!" And I give her my I'm-not-judging-you smile because I know my kid has done the exact same thing.

    Oh. and no one has ever called me a rock star before. I mean, except me. I have been know to refer to myself as a rock star...and then belt out a few PINK lyrics. Possibly

  3. Lol I remember those days when we had my sister's kids! They are just like pets... attracted to those least interested in their attention ;)

  4. My kids can be sitting quietly, watching TV/playing/half asleep/whatever, but the MOMENT I sneak into the other room to make a phone call, all HELL breaks lose and they are climbing on me, fighting with one another, hitting me, screaming, etc.

    It happens to us all. They KNOW when they aren't getting 90% of your attention and they just can't stand it!

  5. I think this is a club we all belong to. The minute our kids are old enough to realize we're not paying 100% attention to them is when we're initiated into it. It sucks! My kids can be playing nicely together, no fighting, just getting along. But the minute I try to have a conversation with another adult or the phone rings....forget it! All hell breaks loose and they are literally attacking each other!!

    If anyone comes up with a solution I'd love to hear it!

  6. This was kinda like reading our phone conversations.

    LOL :)

    I simply can't wait to meet them.

  7. So... as your friend "Mary," I called my girlfriend to read her your post... because we have all been there... sure enough, as I get on the phone with her... all hell starts to break lose in her house. The quiet, well-behaved children, who were snuggling in their beds, came alive and started wreaking havoc, demanding their mother. So... dear Kim, as your friend "Mary"... I am sincerely thinking it's ME! But... I won't give up our few minutes of "peace and quiet," so... keep that color wonder paper handy... I'm game for next Thursday!

  8. I was gonna say that I think it's all Mary's fault, but since she commented just above me I guess I won't. I'm pretty sure that I used to do this to my mom when I was a

  9. They know. They know and they don't want mommy to have fun, at least that sure seems to be the case with my kids.

  10. Summer. I'm hiding now!! It's good to know I am not alone!

  11. If they would only stop doing this in the exact place every.single.week. You know?

  12. Then I'm in good company with this?? :)

  13. Solution . . . nobody has any ideas yet .. . I'll keep you posted :) But at least we seem to have lots of company in this club!

  14. I'm bringing food. And a dvd player.

  15. lol, you're awesome. My brother and I were 5 years apart, so we weren't as good at ganging up on our parents. Mine have degrees in it.

  16. They DO know, don't they?? I suspected, but it's good to hear another mom say it out loud.

  17. My head hurts just reading this. I have instructed Hudson to stay a baby forever =)

  18. Ha! Let me know how that works out, kay? I've given my kids the exact same instructions and well . . . wait. I just wrote about how they don't listen. Maybe Hudson will listen to you!!

  19. Wracking my brain for some suitable advice from my teaching days. Hmmmm...
    I guess sending them to the office is out.
    Okay, here is one. Take a timer. Set it for something realistic. If they stay quiet for that period of time, they get a small treat, say a ju-jube. Yes, I mean bribe them, dangit.
    A similar thing I used with my kids when they were still young and gullible was "The Quiet Game." The one who is quiet the longest wins the moment his/her sibling utters a peep...or stomps his feet...or blows a raspberry. Sometimes just the glory of winning is enough, but if it isn't, give a prize. Yes, again I mean bribe them! Whatever it takes.
    Hang on to your sanity, ladies. You might need it again when they all leave home!

  20. I'm writing these down and testing them out on Thursday!! Thank you so much!!
