Monday, March 21, 2011

Information, Please!

This is such a weird post, but I need your help! I'm switching to Fios/Verizon on Friday so my email address will be changing. I've used C*mcast for 7 1/2 years so I know their system inside and out. Today I started using gmail . . . and insert special words here. Many special words. 

I realize there is a learning curve, I mean, I've used C*mcast for so long. It's not as though I knew how to navigate it the first time I sat down. But gmail didn't feel intuitive at all. And the way it bundles messages from the same person? I so do not like that!

So here's my question: What email do you use? What do you like/dislike about it? If you blog/follow blogs, have you switched and had to change your login info? How did you do this?

Well, this is an EXCITING post today, is it not?? Tomorrow I'll put up something good . . . like how John smacked his head on the deck and I wasn't looking and I had to take him to the ER and the doc was all judgey so I lied and they glued his eyebrow back together and how cool it was. And there are pictures! But today? I need you to give me info! Step up, my friends! Gimme your best!


  1. I had to set up a gmail acct when I started my blog. I don't use fact I've never checked it so for all I know it could be full of blog related emails. Ooooopsie. I use yahoo for email and I love it. I can check it from anywhere if I need to. It is set up similar to Outlook that I've used at previous jobs before. And yes, yahoo is what the "ymail" in my addy stands for. People ask me that all the time *head tilted* and then ask "are you sure?". Ummm yeah, I'm not completely bright all the time but, yah, I do actually know my own email address. I check it 400 times a day, so I'm pretty sure I've got that one down....whew, sorry! didn't mean to go all rant-y there ;)

  2. I HATED gmail when I first started using it (I came from hotmail & Outlook.)

    Now...I have about 5 gmail accounts that I use for different things...and I LOVE them all!

    The conversations definitely threw me at first, but the more you use the more you're really really grateful to have them! You will start searching for something & you'll know that all your emails were grouped. Then you will find it & you will forget all those four letter words!

    But trust me, I used them! A lot at first!

  3. Ugh, I just got a gmail account too! I've been using it for a couple weeks now and it still feels sooooo weeeeird. So far I kind of like the way they bundle the messages though. Anyway, I feel your pain trying to get used to it. Getting a new email account feels like moving to a new house, haha :)

  4. how do you seperate out the conversations? Like, I want to see a previous email/conversation, not the current one. I found the button that lets me see it in html, but lordy! I must be missing something.

  5. I use Fios mostly but I do have a gmail account that I use for online things (surveys, focus groups, free samples, etc).

    I find it annoying the way gmail bundles things but maybe you do get used to it if you use it enough?

    Good luck!!

    ** and sorry to hear about John's injury. :(

  6. I absolutely love gmail... I can't stand yahoo now, lol. Plus my phone is an android phone so everything works together. But yeah, having to switch can be a pain for sure!

  7. I use AOL...and G-mail. Of course everyone knows my AOL address but I've started to use my G-mail for school stuff and "serious" things. It IS kinda confusing at first but it's not really that hard. I still think AOL is more straight forward but that's just my opinion.

    Maybe try AOL? It can't hurt.
