Monday, April 18, 2011

Come To Jesus: Hear The Word Of The Lord

We have a history in church. I know this.  But, obviously, that's not going to stop us from going every week. And each week, I pray, I pray, that my children will behave. And sometimes? It happens. (Really. People comment on how well behaved they are.)

So last week we went back to church for evening services. There were only about 20 people there and we were the only ones with kids there. Which meant that the stakes were high.

About 20 minutes in Sarah had to use the bathroom, so my husband took her. I was sitting next to Violet. Then an empty chair. Then John. Who began to thump on a bible with a pen. Loudly. In a quiet room. Loudly.  I leaned past Violet and looked at him.

"Psst. John. Stop. Be quiet."

He smiled. This smile, right here.

And then mouthed these words, "Catch me."

And I? I looked at him and whispered back, "Game.on."

Also? He's alive. The end.


  1. Oh my! Glad you all got out alive!

  2. Crack me up!!! That is the best! :)

  3. Nice, you are a cool mom! I can only imagine what my mother would have done if I did that in church. Probably why she never took us.

  4. It was close :) But we skipped evening service this week. Morning service was a hot mess, so we'll play it by ear!

  5. I wouldn't say cool :) Threatened bodily harm? Oh yes!

  6. We just keep taking them and hoping it will get better!

  7. Hey, I was picturing you chasing him around the church laughing your head off.

    Would that be a sin? I wouldn't know because I am a heathen apparently.

    Please still love me...

  8. Good plan. We keep taking our children too...even after many similar events. Actually, just yesterday our 4 year old daughter got up to go to the children's room and pulled up her above her front of the whole congregation! UGH!! Seriously.

  9. You seriously crack me up. I bet God was laughing.

  10. Oh my goodness. How funny is that?

  11. God certainly enjoys testing your patience during church doesn't he LOL

  12. that is too funny! I love your "game on" response.

  13. I love hearing about other people's sassy children because I find is adorable. I have a feeling that is going to bite me in the ass when I have children of my own. They are going to be monsters...I know it.

    I'm glad John's still alive.

  14. I always laughed, too. I knew it was going to come back, though, just like you, so it's all good :)

  15. It was such a knee-jerk response! His little eyes widened like, "Oh! I know I just pushed her over the edge!"

  16. I was in the 5th grade, so I was 11. The ENTIRE family was in church. We were in the cry room because my parents had 5 kids ages 1-11.

    I sat down in the seat I wanted to sit in, my dad told me to come sit with the family.

    I looked right at him & shook my head No. I still remember the ponytail swishing back & forth as I did it.

    Well, he dragged my rear end out of church & I had to clean house for 7 straight hours! Non stop! It was awful!

    I'm still alive though! :)

  17. That was one clean house! And once again, I LOVE your parents!!
