Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Don't Know How

I don't know how to explain the black whole of despair that depression is. 

I don't know how to make you understand.

I don't know the right words to use to paint a picture of my emotions.

I don't know how to show you my face when I hid it for so long.

I don't know how to tell you how I thought, expcept to let you see my thoughts.

So, after much thought, that is what I'm doing.

Over the next two weeks I'm going to write some posts that let you see exactly what I was thinking when my depression was at it's worst. I found my journals from when I was in the hospital. It's not pretty. It's not coherent. It's not remotely logical. Some of it is downright weird. When I write about my depression I try to be very specific with "I felt like" statements. But now I think I need to open that up.

May is Mental Health Awarness Month. (Because yes, every issue has a month, so we get our own as well, thankyouverymuch!) 

So I'm going to try to make some people aware. Aware that they are not alone. Aware that depression is real. Aware that depression cannot be manicured or pedicured away (thank you Kendra. I heard about you being on Dr. Drew, again. Spewing about your PPD. Whatevs.). Aware that a 'nervous breakdown' is not 'just freezing' infront of some people and then needing 'to rest until I felt better.' (Thank you, J Lo. Yeah, I read about that, too. I've got your nervous breakdown right here.) Aware that sharing your story is not shameful. But uplifting. (Thank you Bree Howard Dallas. You rock.) Aware that you can heal, survive and thrive, live joyfully with depression. I'm going to give you all sorts of places to visit to read other stories that uplift you.

I'm not going to lie. The next two weeks might be uncomfortable for some of you who know me in real life. I suggest you don't read. Because I'm not going to discuss this with you. AT. ALL. Not even a little. I don't want your comments, your feedback.* This isn't for you, or for me. So I'm pretending that my family and friends don't read this and that I blog anonomysly for the remainder of the month.

I don't know how to tell you that depression sucks. Except to say that depression sucks large, hairy donkey balls. But it will get better. It will.

*If you need to talk to me about something depression related, then obviously I'm willing. What I'm not willing to do is rehash what a mess I was. I'm doing that here. I don't need to then talk to you about it. Sorry if you think that's harsh. But for now it's my way of staying healthy. If you're an exception to this I'll let you know.


  1. I think it is indescribably wonderful that you have the courage and the willingness and the heart to share your story. Who knows who you will speak to and how many your words will help?

    It is so important to remove the stigma from mental illness so people stop feeling scared/ashamed/whatever to get help.

    I have been so sucky about communicating lately, and part of that is because I tend to withdraw inward when the outer pressures begin to feel to heavy, but I want you to know that even though I've been quiet, I very much appreciate you and how you've reached out to me and how you're reaching out to others now through this blog. It is so important for people to know they're not alone and that there is light on the other side of this darkness.

    So thank you for sharing your story.

    If you're up for it, I'd love for you to write a little guest spot at my place with a link back here. Only if you want. No pressure.

    Love you, woman! Think you're fabulous!

  2. I am looking VERY forward to reading the next two weeks. I have a couple hard posts coming up for this month as well. I am finally going to finish my 5 part series about living with bipolar disorder.

    I applaud you for trying to spread awareness.

  3. Wow. Thank you, for reading. I really didn't know you were! I can't tell you how much it means to know you're reading. And I'm totally up for a little guest spot at your place *and I faint* are you kidding me? Where do I send the wine?

  4. Molly, I am looking forward to reading yours as well. Your blog was one of the first places I found where depression was talked about honestly and with hope. So refreshing! And thank you so much for reading -- you have no idea how much it means.

  5. I always read! I just rarely comment because I'm pretty busy failing at life.

    Write it up and email it to me when you get a chance.

    Wine is always welcome. ALWAYS. ;-)

  6. We don't ever need to talk about it face to face , but I want to say here, that I think you are unbelievably brave.

  7. I adore you for sharing this! You have shared some with me personally, but softly.

    Share loud and proud my friend because WE need to learn, be enlightened, be supportive of others and not wear blinders. Boo to the J Lo's out there... to the Gwenyths and the others who soft coat it. Bring on the truth!!!

    Especially as women we need to understand more so we can build each other up, not tear each other down when we don't understand.

    Adore you!

  8. You are so strong, so brave and such an awesome woman to reach out and try to help people through your own past and pain. I for one will be reading, passing along to friends and thanking you for your wisdom and honesty.

  9. Good for you! i know this takes courage, but you will help people who would otherwise feel alone.

  10. I look forward to reading your posts, not because I want to know how you felt personally, but because I want to hopefully be able to recognize if someone I know or love goes through the same thing.

    Thank you for being so brave.

  11. It is fantastic of you to share your experience for several reasons. One, you will probably help other moms who have felt the same way. Two, writing about our feelings and experiences often help us sort through them. I can't wait. Good for you.

    Bring on the hairy donkey balls.

  12. As always, I applaud your willingness to be open and candid, because I know from personal experience that it's not easy to do.
    However, it IS incredibly worthwhile, as you have the opportunity to change minds and hearts, and even better, help someone who needs to hear what you have to say.

  13. Thank you. This is something I hope to do some day. I'm relieved that I'm not alone.

  14. Thanks so much Elizabeth. Coming from another woman I think is incredibly intelligent, witty and honest, this means a lot. :)

  15. Thanks, Mary. Yeah, no soft coating over here, that's for sure!

  16. Alexia, thank you very much. I appreciate knowing you'll be reading and you passing it on. Know that I'm thinking of you guys, and sending prayers your way.

  17. Grace, thank you. I know you understand why I share.

  18. Thank you for reading :) What? You mean you totally aren't thinking 'oooh, a glimpse into her crazy head'?? Because I totally would be thinking that ;) I know what you mean, and thank you.

  19. Get ready, the balls are coming out! :) And thank you, seriously.

  20. the courage you show us all is incredibly inspiring. i always love reading your blog and seeing how tenderly but powerfully you reach so many people who need to hear your voice. rock on, lady.

  21. You are most definately NOT alone. You'll know when the time is right and you have the right words to tell your story. I'll be waiting to read it.

  22. Thanks, Tara :) Those are amazing words -- thank you.

  23. I think your willingness to be so open and honest has helped more people than you will probably ever know. Sometimes women need to hear the truth sans the sugar coating that society seems to put on everything, you know?

  24. I can't wait to read them. And I hope that comes out right. It's just such a huge part of who you are, I feel like it's only right it should have a place on here.

  25. From another person with serious depression, Kudos to you for being able to share about it. ESPECIALLY with your family and friends IRL reading as well. That is something superbrave. I have been struggling with depression now for almost 4 years. It is a really rough thing. I applaud you for being able to speak up about it. I'm not there yet and I don't know if I will ever be but I am glad that you are able to. (((hugs))) for the rest of the month ahead. I know it will be difficult.

  26. You've read some of my struggles with depression - it sucks . . . just a great big void that doesn't seem like it will ever go away. But, it will.

    Hang in there. And whatever you can share about what you've been going through, we'd love to read it. Know you're not alone.

  27. You're a brave girl and you will help so many, I have no doubt. Thank you.
