Friday, May 20, 2011

What I Wanted To Say . . .

. . . Is not what I'm going to have the chance to say today. Sarah was up forever again last night. I'm exhausted. I need to mainline some coffee stat. Or visit my sister in law at Starbucks every hour, on the hour and have her hook me up with that awesome iced skinny caramel macchiato extra caramel I've become addicted to. In the extra big venti refillable cup she got me for Christmas. And I'm rambling. This is how tired I am. Sarah? Is happily playing upstairs because we caved and put her on our floor just to get her to shut up please just for the love of God stop crying! at I need to sleep o'clock. And then? I kept waking up because I still heard her crying. Only she wasn't. Nice.

Anyway. What I'm trying to say is, I can't form a coherent thought. Obviously. I need to get Sarah into her new room. So I'm going to the blind store and Home Depot and doing some massive purchasing today. I'm finishing The Sleep Lady Book. Whatever it takes to get this child to sleep.

It's not just that we need her to sleep, that we need sleep. When I don't sleep it starts me on this weird path of insomnia. One night of interrupted sleep always turns into two. I take a sleeping pill to make sure this doesn't happen. But lately they haven't been working. And when they don't work the insomnia kicks my butt. Insomnia leads my brain to anxiety. Very quickly. It's as if my brain says, "Well, since we can't sleep let's think of all the horrible, awful, no good, very bad things that could happen to your children and husband. Right now. And after we finish with right now? We'll move onto when you're in the car. Then walking down the street. Then we'll throw in all those fun plots from crime shows. Aaaand Go!" The anxiety spins out of control in a day or two and I'm thrown into a death spiral of depression.  It will take numerous visits to my therapist, psychiatrist, and med changes to pull me out and readjust my brain.

I'm not going there.

The good thing, the positive and amazing thing is: I know this could happen! A year ago I would never have recognized the need for sleep could throw me into such a catastrophe. Sleep? Really? But it's more that my brain just doesn't know how to shut the hell up right now. We're still working on that.

So. I'm going to do some heavy duty shopping and get Sarah's bedroom made into the room of her dreams (like how I did that? Dreams. Ha!). We're going to go back to a sweet, gentle bedtime routine reminiscent of a three month old.

I'm not spiraling.

So bear with me.


  1. I completely understand! Our princess was doing so well but decided that she wanted to start waking up again earlier this week. She doesn't go to bed until 10:30 and then she wants to wake up at 3am. Of course she wants to play for another hour... or two. Last night I FINALLY got her to sleep and then, she starts to cry. I know the laying in bed praying routine well. I'm so sorry you are having a hard time. Go get your coffee and try to have a wonderful day!

  2. God bless Starbucks employees. Especially those I know who give me the hookup.

  3. Ugh. No please, I would be dead right now. You've been dealing with this for forever!!

    You need a coffee IV drip.

  4. I am all to familiar with the cycle of insomnia! Hope your redecorating does the trick!

  5. The sleep lady book is AMAZING! That is what we used/use with Lboy--seriously! That book changed out lives.

    Only we changed up the routine a little bit, he was so distracted with me being in the room with him that I had to leave. I didn't do the whole nighttime shuffle.

    I just made sure that I implemented the daily scheduled she outlined for his age group & then at night Todd & I would do a bath time then go into his room, dress him immediately, & then read books, do a prayer time, sing 2 songs & then put him in the bed, every night at the exact same time.

    The first night he cried for 30 minutes, the 2nd night for 15, & then for the next few weeks he would cry for 1-5 minutes. After that?

    He doesn't cry anymore & he asks US to put him in bed!

    You can do it! Y'all will get there!

    I feel sorry for Sarah, I feel sorry for you & John--I'm just so sorry! I know it's rough!

    We are there on nap times right now, for some reason he's just totally stopped napping-I think it's teething but I'm not sure.

    Good luck!

  6. Oh honey. I hope you can get this in control soon. J gets insomnia now and then and once it starts it sticks around for at least a couple weeks. It is so frustrating for him.

