Monday, June 13, 2011

So Wrong It's . . . No. I'ts Still Wrong.

Swamp People.

Have you seen this show? It is all kinds of wrong. All kinds. Let me explain. (Jess? I know you enjoy this little gem. It's OK, you're sleep deprived, with that new baby and all.)

Remember the movie, 'The Water Boy'? Did you think Adam Sandler was making up that accent, that Louisiana Bayou accent? That he was exaggerating it for the movie? Well, he wasn't.  Not one bit. Sadly.

'Swamp People' is set in the Bayou's of Lousiana, where a group of men hunt alligators. Or rather, they hunt 'gatahs.

They've named the 'gatahs. Things like, "Big Mamma," and "T-Rex." And most of the hunters don't have all their teeth, appear to rarely shower, and say things like, "You shot me again" or "he's shot me before. We'll just go home and have mom take care of it." As well as, "He's a biggun."

They do really smart things like dive into murky water in which they've baited large hooks with 'shake and bake' and rancid chicken to grab the 'gatah tags they've dropped. Oh, and they pull the lines up with their bare hands. The lines that have the live 'gatahs on them. Then jump back and yell, 'dayum!' every.single.time the 'gatah jumps at the surface.

Then one guy, Troy, yells to his helper, "Shoooot, Liz! Shoot the 'gatah, Liz!"

Oh, and they also use sub-titles. For English to English translation.

My husband adores this show. No, really. Adores.Like, DVR's it. Has found it 'On Demand' (and yet still DVR's it. Hmm. Smart.) The first time I saw the show I assumed it was some sort of farce and freaked out a bit. Because I thought it was poking fun of people with special needs. Because of the way they talk. Between the thick, thick accent, lack of teeth and poor (really) grammar I was all kinds of mad. Then when I realized it was an actual show? I was all kinds of horrified.

Click it. You must.

So. One night Sarah couldn't (wait for it) sleep. My husband brought her downstairs and let her lay with him on the sofa while he watched "Swamp People." He thought she had fallen asleep. Then her head popped up and she said, "Daddy, I want to go 'gatah huntin'!"

And thus began Sarah's obsession with 'gatah huntin'.

One day I came into my bedroom to find Sarah standing on my bed with a jump rope hanging over the edge and John holding onto it. Sarah was commanding John, "Now roll, John! Death roll! You're the 'gatah and I'm the huntah. Then I'll be 'gatah. Shoooot, Liz!! Shooot the 'gatah, Liz!"

My husband was so proud.

A week or so ago I walked upstairs to hear Sarah and John playing. They were having their Little People be blind, then Jesus would come and tell them to wash their eyes three times and he would see again.

I was so proud.

An hour later I heard this:

"Oooh, that's T-Rex! Shoooot, Liz!! Shoot the 'gatah, Liz!"


**These men hunt 'gatah's for a living; getting up at dawn and hunting 'till dusk. They hunt in pairs or solo, just a small boat, a thin rope and a dirty gun. They kill the 'gatah, haul it in, take it to the merchant who pays them. The merchant sells the meat and the hide. I don't know one single man who would last half a day doing what these men do. I'm not saying what they do holds no honor or value. I'm saying this show is mind numbing. Let's be clear.**


  1. I've seen it on the guide, but have never turned it on. I suppose I should check it out just for fun!

  2. Hahaha love the Water Boy reference. I do love me some Adam Sandler! :) But back to the show. Exactly how many levels of wrong is that show? I am (well WAS) more of a Crocodile Hunter fan. Steve Irwin is rolling in his grave I tell ya!

  3. I have to say I totally disagree with you. Yes, the show is very eye-opening. These people are from the same country as us? Really?

    But here's the thing I love about it. They are a little chunk of living history. They are living the exact same way as their ancestors lived, dating back to the 1600s. There aren't many places in the world that can claim that, and we have a relic like that in our own backyard! And we don't even have to leave our houses to experience it - it comes in on DVR, and we can watch as they do things that none of us could ever dream of doing.

    While their life seems a little more rugged than I am interested in, it also seems pretty great. They aren't whitetrash like the people living down the street from me, they are just simple. They don't have the drama and headaches and ratraces that we have to deal with all.the.time. They live and let live. They cook outside with food they harvested. They work hard and feel proud of themselves. They share a camaraderie and sense of community that most Americans will never understand. Think about it - how many people do you know that would be willing to hunt a gatah, or anything else for that matter, to save your way of life?

    So, yeah, the things they say and do seem totally redic to us. And they risk their lives for all the time, but that risk is what puts food on the table and money in the mattress. And those houses are filled with an amount of love and respect that we can only hope to get.

  4. I love that Sarah and John go gatah huntin' right after they heal the blind men.

    WWJD? Well, I think we all know the answer.

  5. I'm with Jen! This has become one of our most favorite shows. And growing up around Everglades swamp lands, I have such an affinity for them! One of the episodes had 3 generations hunting out there. Where do you find that nowadays? And Bruce wouldn't go home until he found his dog safe and sound? That's amazing friendship! Ugh, I love them!

  6. I'm at a loss for words.

  7. It's all kinds of . . . wrong and weird. But my husband and kids adore it. Enjoy!

  8. So many, many levels of wrong! And who doesn't love some Adam Sandler?? I was watching 50 First Dates just the other night. So awesome.

  9. Don't you know that's what you know that's the order in which you do things? Perform miracles as the Son of God, then kill something. Duh.

  10. I totally knew Dracen was into this show. He and Sarah can hang any day. As long as he and John don't talk and come up with some great schemes :)

  11. Are you saying you DON'T partake of this show?? What?

  12. yup! that is where i am from. literally - i grew up in hammond, la. not in the swamp, obv... but that is home! oh, but i dont talk like that....
