Friday, June 10, 2011

Sometimes Relief Comes In The Oddest Ways

This little blog and I are back on track.  I've made some changes, I'm updating some pages (you'll soon find many new blogs on my blog list and under 'more bloggage').  I've got some exciting things in the works as far as guest posts go -- with some women who blow my mind.  And will blow yours as well. One I've guest posted with before, the other I haven't. Both are amaze-balls. I can't wait to see what we do.

In other news . . . Sarah's sleeping issues have not resolved themselves. She is sleeping through the night -- not because of a savvy book or some intelligent parenting gem on my part. But because I lost it one night. She'd been up, screaming, about 6 times, the night before, and was starting  in again. I was exhausted. The windows were open and that was a trigger for me to coddle her because holy crap, what would the neighbors think if  they heard me yell at her? But I'd had enough. So I yelled. And told her that she wasn't in control, I was. That she was not going to disrupt the entire family any more, it wasn't fair, etc. That I didn't care if the neighbors heard. I may have yelled some neighbors names, as in, "Michelle? Do you hear me? Sarah cannot keep waking us all up at night!" And told Sarah that if Michelle heard me she'd agree with me. Sarah was very, very not happy with me. I was very, very not happy with her. And loud. But she slept all night, and has since then.

Going to bed? Hell. I'm not going to get into the cycle we've gotten into. It's horrible. I've called the pediatrician three times. I've taken her to see the pediatrician. Talked to and listened to I know. Hid my head as she screams. Cried. Yelled. Ignored. Tuesday night she screamed for three hours. Three solid hours. No breaks. No lulls. And? No tears. She's not actually crying. Just screaming. Screaming things like, "You will come up here right this minute!"  (Uhmmm, have you met me?? Do you really think that is going to work?) Wednesday morning she very sweetly informed me, "My panties and bed are wet. Because I peed them. Because I was mad at you."

Special words were used. Yes. Very many. Said at my child. Yes. I swore at her. Then I put her in the van, drove to swim practice and cried.

I called the pediatrician and cried some more.  He told me to give her melatonin at bedtime and to get some books on, and I quote, "the defiant child."

Then I had to tell my husband, at eight o'clock that evening, why Sarah was sleeping so soundly, and that I'd sworn at her. Good times, people, good times.

Today I talked to my sister in law, Kerry (who is so smart about these things) about getting some therapy for Sarah. Again, good times.

Then I had a discussion with a friend about her daughter and a possible speech delay. I was able to offer some help, possibly, given my background. But honestly, given the massive failures I've been exhibiting lately I didn't think I'd hear a whole lot back. Instead I just recieved the most uplifting text: And just like that she signs and says more. You rock.

And just like that I felt a huge sigh of relief.  Maybe, just maybe we're OK. We'll give Sarah the melatonin for a week or so. My therapist is also an amazing child/play therapist. So I don't have to search and worry. And my picky, picky Sarah is taking the melatonin crushed up in grape jelly like a champ.


Deep yoga breaths.

Also? Diana? You rock. And I expect a full wing in El Paso. Corrugated, high end, got it?


  1. I know all about sleep troubles. Buster is FINALLY sleeping through the night, although, not the past two nights. It took over 3 years to get him to sleep through the night. And, he plays in his bed for HOURS every night before falling asleep. i've given up trying to force him to go to sleep earlier. it's just not worth it. Hang in there!

  2. Hopefully her screaming has stopped and will NOT return. The fact she got up and told you what she did, and why! Oh my gosh, if it were me, my mouth would've hit the floor and I would've been speechless. ANGRY, FURIOUS and LIVID, so much so, I would've lost all ability to speak. And don't feel too badly about cursing at her - lack of sleep made you do it. Lack of sleep so lovingly given to you BY HER. It's all good - no STILL ROCK!

  3. Awwwww, sounds like some tough times for you and your daughter.

    Unfortunately, Landon has been exhibiting some new behaviors at bed time. Screaming and crying that there are big scary monsters behind the window. And it's tearing me up inside that he might really be scared as he cries himself to sleep. It makes me so sad and also frustrated because we no longer know what to expect when we lay our heads down on our pillows. Will we be woken up or will he sleep through the night? Who knows.

    Anyway, your blog is one of my favorites. Just keep writing. Keep putting it out there. Keep forging ahead. As if we had any other choice, right?

  4. lover girl - my neighbors hear us yell. Day or night, it happens. They don't judge. They bring wine.

    Sleep issues totally blow, though - first kid was an awful sleeper, we babied him, our fault. Second one? Total dream. thank god.

  5. i'm so sorry. this sounds awful. i truly hope you get some more answers and help... soon! sleep deprivation is the worst. Thinking of you guys...

  6. I'm sorry to hear about Sarah's sleep issues :( I'll be praying that God gives her an extra measure of peace at bedtime. And hugs to you! It's a rough patch, but you're doing great :)

  7. Dear Ms. Kim,
    Just a reminder that sleep deprivation is a form of torture.
    Even Mother Hen would holler uncouth syllables were she to be tortured.
    It's all right dear. Mother says so.
    Comfortingly yours,
    Mother Hen

  8. Sarah and Buster would get along well! Sarah used to just play in her bed for hours before falling asleep and I was ok with that, like you. But this screaming busines -- man. I'll consider selling my soul some nights to end it!

  9. :) Thanks, Karen. Lack of sleep is the worse. And I was speechless. AT FIRST.

  10. Letting them cry themselves to sleep is something that has never been easy for me. Only since Sarah started this hot mess have I done it. Major suckage. I hope Landon works his worries out -- have you tried 'monster spray'? You can order it online OR you can make your own - spray bottle, water, some sort of essential oil that you like the smell of. He decorates the bottle and names it. Then you spray it each night to get rid of the monsters. NOW, there are 2 schools of thought w/ this. 1: it reinforces that there are, indeed, monsters or 2: it gives the child control over the thing they are scared of and an 'out' to get over it. And yes we tried it. No, it didn't work. :)
    And thank you for the compliment. I've been reading you for over a year and hearing you say that . . huge smile over here. You telling your story encouraged me to keep telling mine. So, yea us!

  11. At one point I felt like a nursing mother all over again. Only without the benefit of that adorable baby. I've been thinking of YOU guys -- love the new hair!! I was just over at your place, I came in through my email & when I do that I can't comment for some reason. Anyway, the hair is gorgeous, as is your baby bump. Solo isn't too bad, either ;) That smile of his is going to get you into trouble!

  12. I'm moving into your neighborhood. That's it. Or, you know, you can move here to where jaysus lives and we can pop a top or two while she screams. ;)

  13. Rebecca, the prayers are MUCH appreciated. Much. Thank you.
