Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Be-lated Birthday

Waaay back in June Violet turned 8 and we had a little girls spa day for her. (I didn't post about it then because right after she got sick and I was busy with that, then, well, I forgot.)  She invited three friends and we went to a 'kiddie' spa, and OMG how cute it was!

[caption id="attachment_1283" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Birthday girl hair do, complete w/ tiaraGetting a pedi"][/caption]


The girls had a blast! They each received a mani and a pedi and had their hair done. And it was completely appropriate. No "Toddler's And Tiara's" were in sight. I can't take credit for the party, I totally stole the idea from a friend of mine, and I'd do it again. It was a quick and easy party, and Violet's favorite. While the girls were giggling their way through mani's, picking out hair style's and eating cake, I listened to what eight year old girls talk about and took notes. Obviously. Here are a few gems:

*Girl 1: Oh, he's going to be home schooled next year. Lucky.

Girl 2: What's home school?

Girl 1: It's when you don't even go to school. You just, you know, stay home from school.

(I interrupted to explain what home schooling was.)

Later . . .

Girl 1: I wonder if his mom or dad will home school him.

Girl 2: Probably his mom.  . . or his dad.

Girl 3: Well, my mom would home school me. Because she's smart. My dad can do math. But he can't read.

[caption id="attachment_1285" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Hot toes"][/caption]

Girl 2: Yeah, moms do it because they are smarter than dads'.

(I did not make this up. I came home and wrote it down. And I did interrupt this conversation as well to say that yes, mom's usually homeschool, but only because they are usually the ones who are home.)

*OMG, I absolutely love my hair! Don't you love my hair? I love my hair.

(And her hair? Fab.)

* Yeah, my mom didn't come to the party. She didn't want to be a party crasher.

What gems do you have??





















  1. So funny! What a great idea for a party!! We don't have those fun kid spas in the podunk town I live in.

  2. Hilarious. So glad you wrote it down! I think that last line was the best..."Yeah, my mom didn’t come to the party. She didn’t want to be a party crasher."

    Score one for mom!

  3. Her hair is adorable. I would like that done to mine asap.

    I have no funny sayings yet, but we're getting there!

  4. This pics are great.

    And moms are always smarter than dads. I think it's in the bible :-p

  5. Why they didn't have places like this when I was growing up, I have no idea. I would've eaten that stuff up!

    And yes, I love listening to kids talk when they're about this age. Just old enough to realize what's going on but still innocent enough to keep us entertained. :)

  6. That is HILARIOUS.

    I'm gonna do that with Ave some day :) And also? Girls are crazy.
