Monday, September 5, 2011

You, With Your Words Like Knives . . .

I know.

I know that while I was at my lowest, you didn't really support me.

I know that while I was in a ball, curled and crying on the floor, you complained about helping me.

I know that while I was just a shell of my former self you talked about me behind my back.

I know that you helped me. I know that.

But I also know that you were bitching about me the entire time.

I know that this is my secret to carry.


I know that with God's help I will forgive.

But I also know that I know the truth.

Good to know.


  1. Ugh! That has to be one of my biggest pet peeves, people who help and then complain about helping the whole time they are helping! Really? Then why do they bother? I know you needed support, but how supportive is it really when you feel like a burden to someone else? I'm so sorry.

  2. :(

    I'm right here with you. I so am.

  3. Oh, I can so relate, I am in the same place in so many ways.

  4. I hate that I know this but I do. So powerful. Know that there are good people out there standing right beside you. Hugs.

  5. Thanks so Much, Kimberly. It truly means a lot.

  6. Thank you, and I wish you didn't know.

  7. I'm not sure what happened, or how, or who this is about . . . but it's a horrible, horrible feeling.

    I hate asking for help, in the first place - to receive help, but to know that the helper resents helping? That would crush me.


  8. Sometimes people just....SUCK!
