Monday, September 26, 2011

Temper, Temper.

Have I mentioned that John has a bit of a temper? A bit.

A very, very tiny one. Let me show you:

[caption id="attachment_1360" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Why? Why?"][/caption]


That? Is a small, run of the mill, "Momma, you just crossed the line and said 'no.' You won't let me throw food at you?" screaming fit. 

He has these temper tantrums for various, very good reasons. Because it's dinner time. Because dinner time is over. Because there isn't any applesauce. Because a toy isn't working. Because one of sisters looked at him. Or they didn't look at him.


This summer he threw such a fit that he made himself vomit.


All over himself. As we were running out the door. I held it together, thanks to a mighty act by God. Changed his shirt, put his shoes on the correct feet (the reason for the tantrum) and threw put him in the van.

And now we have school.

I am very afraid.

So I had a meeting with his teacher and explained these epic tantrums to her. What sets him off. How I deal with them. Etc etc. To say I was worried and over informed her would be an understatement. But I didn't want him to have a major melt down and this teacher that I adore (Sarah had her last year) look at me and wonder, "And she didn't mention this little quirk of John's because . . ." Because, you guys, I am not kidding. My child can scream. He can yell and carry on. I've left multiple public places because of him. Starbucks (oh, so many times), Kohl's (while shopping, with clothing in my arms. I dropped it on a mannequin stand and bolted.) Target. Friends homes. So the last thing I wanted was this wonderful woman to be blindsided.

Thursday the aid stepped out the room when she saw me. She had this sympathetic smile on her face. My heart dropped and I got sweaty.

"I know you were worried. But he's an angel. Follows direction beautifully. He's a joy."

And she left.


I spied on him for 15 minutes. He was an angel. A joy. Listened. Followed direction. Answered questions when they were asked. Took turns. Shared.


I mean, YES!


  1. LOL! Buddy is pretty much like that too. Granted, he doesn't really throw temper tantrums anymore, but he's apparently "very good" for everyone else. Not so much for us.

  2. Oh, little bugger.

    My little not-yet-two guy throws some pretty massive tantrums. He'll sometimes get violent in his tantrum, so he'll run around swinging his fists as he cries. Sometimes he'll punch the cat, or a dog, or his sister, or his mother, or me.

    When this happens, I yell. Which makes him cry even harder. And then you can imagine how I feel.

    Anywho - I guess it's just best to be thankful (very, very thankful) that he's a little angel when you're not around.

  3. How sweet are you to give her a heads up. How naive are you to think he'd be anything but PERFECT for others. Silly, silly, girl, tantrums are for mommy's!!! LOL

  4. Oh no!
    My son used to throw epic fits when we were only out in public. I remember the embarrassement as I had to cart him out of the store. Once I ran out with a shirt on my arm and I had to go back in and return it while my son was acting like the exorcist.
    But it gets better. Promise!!!
    Hang in there!!

  5. Bugger is right!! Hudson is only 14 months so he is just now figuring out he can voice his little opinion.

  6. It's amazing sometimes they can pull it together and behave for strangers.
