Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's Not a Tumor. It's a Zit.

Violet wants to wear a band aid to school.

On her face.

Because she has a pimple.

She's eight.

So. This is happening. She's growing up. I know logically that one little (OK, kinda medium to biggish) pimple doesn't launch us into the tween years, but it sure feels like it does. When I told her what it was, she was pretty calm about it. We put a warm compress on it and the worst of it was over. I thought.


Three kids at school have asked her what it is. She told them it was a bug bite.

I tweeted, texted and googled. I found some products by Ottilie & Lulu specifically made for tween skin care that weren't promoting make up use (Hello Wal-mart) or pushing the girls to look all tarted up. The models on the website were fresh faced and adorable.

So Violet got her very first skin care products.



  1. Poor girl. That's no fun. Heck, I'm 31 and it's still no fun. You should probably leave out that fact that some 31 year olds still get them when you're talking to her.

  2. I don't think you have to worry..maybe worry a little in 4 years. :)

  3. EIGHT?!?! Oh dear Lord help me. I cannot believe it begins at 8.

  4. I was the first kid in my class to have a zit.

    And then, I had the worse acne breakout in my class, all through middle & high school.

    Hugs to the little one . . .

  5. Wow...they grow up sooo fast. Personally, I can't remember my first zit. I probably blocked it out of my mind LOL

  6. Oh my goodness. But there's nothing wrong with good skin care :) Remind me of that in 3 years please.

  7. Oh man. I'm 31 and my face is still bad...thanks to a baby...grrrr...
    I can't imagine at 8 how she feels. Is there anyone in her class with zits too?

  8. I think I've convinced that while it *might* happen again, it's no big deal. Now if only I can go back in time and convince myself of that!

  9. I don't know. I've seen other girls her age with a few pimples. But I have you to come for when I need help :) So it's all good.

  10. I.KNOW. But we got that skin care stuff in the mail so I'm hoping we won't see another zit for a long, long time.

  11. ugh. I'm hoping it's not the first of many, hopefully she'll 'get' the skin I had as a teenager. Now, later in life it wasn't so great, but as a teenager I was fortunate. We'll see.

  12. I'll remind you, no worries :) This little skin care package we bought seems pretty awesome, so I'll keep you posted.

  13. Those babies, right? The middle of pregnancy KILLED my skin. John's 4 and I've finally gotten it back to normal. What nobody tells us . . .
    I've seen a couple kids with the random zits, like she had. So I know it's not uncommon, just unexpected!
