Sunday, November 20, 2011

It broke

Our desk top randomly stop receiving the internet.
Then it 'lost' it's printer connection.
But I have a lap top !

It froze.
Welcome to blogging by iPhone.


  1. i love the fact that you're a die hard blogger. good for you!!

  2. some times ya just gotta hit submit

  3. Whenever I attempt to blog by iPhone, the results are very, very bad.

    I had to use the term "clot" in a comment about someone dealing with leg pain after going on blood-pressure medication, and, right there, in the smack of a very formal medical blog post, having little to do with the specifics of the female anatomy, was the word "clitoris."

  4. I need some sort of warning system for these comments, John. I totally snorted coffee through my nose. My kids are looking at me all funny and there are tears running down my face. One of the best -or worst- auto corrects ever!

  5. :) Thanks -- but I totally didn't fulfil that statement!

  6. Sometimes it's easier to pop out a quick blog post by phone. I edit a picture on PicSayPro and toss it on there. Easy and done.
