Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rejoice, Again I Say Rejoice

Sitting in church Sunday morning.

The kids are whining. Crawling over me. Over my husband. I'm trying to focus.

The sun is coming through the window and is hot on me.

Sarah is talking to herself, loudly. Violet is gloomy. John is squirming in the pew in front of me.

I take a deep breath. Close my eyes. Open them, ready to glare and snap.

I see John's blonde head bowed. He's reading the hymnal and singing along.

He's four.

The hymn is 'Rejoice, The Lord is King'

I watch my husband rub John's head, see his large hand on John's small head. See my children in church. Squirming, but there. Listening to every tenth word. They are learning.

Rejoice. The Lord is King.


  1. Thanks, Shell. I'm so happy I stopped & appreciated it! & thanks for coming by!!

  2. I had a similar moment this weekend when lil A kept saying "uh-huh" during the perfect moments of the sermon. I know his toddler brain wasn't really "getting it" but it was too cute! Realized that he is soaking up the good stuff even now. :)

  3. Teach him to say 'amen!' Wouldn't that be so awesome? I love watching my children's faith grow. It encourages me.

  4. I love it. LOVE it. I really need to take my girls. Thank you.
