Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Lake of Dreams: Review

In The Lake of Dreams by Kim Edwards,  Lucy Jarrett revists her hometown and must come to terms with a family tragedy. It's a book full of vivid imagery and abstract dreams that is pretty hard to follow. That being said, I'd like  to visit the town, Lake of Dreams, where Lucy grew up. And I'd like to meet her old flame, Keegan. He owns the new glass blowing art shop. So he's all artsy and sweaty. And has a son. Nice. Lucy's boyfriend, Yoshi, is a character I'd like to meet as well. He's introspective and kind, described well.

Everything is described well. Too well. I got lost in the descriptions. When Lucy is reading an email from a friend (that we never meet) and recieves pictures of their vacation, I don't need to read about those pictures in five paragraph detail. But, the way Edwards describes the town of Lake of Dreams, in that same detail, is what makes me want to find this place and walk it's quaint streets, eat at the local organic eatery, Green Beans.

Without spoiling it -because it is acutally a good story -- Lucy resolves her issues quite well. I was satisfied with the ending and it wasn't predictable.  The epilogue was fantastic and I completely enjoyed this part of the story (and not just because it was the end. It wrapped the story up very well.).

I was compensated for this BlogHer Book Club review but all opinions expressed are my own.

**please forgive any spelling errors. I still do not have a computer that will run spell check. Thank you!**

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