Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's Summer. . .

Which means Violet is 9 today. And officially in the 4th grade.

Sarah is officially in the 1st grade.

And John is officially a kindergartner.

And I am officially old and living in some sort of weird time warp. Because I'm absolutely positive that just yesterday John was born, Sarah was 15 months old and Violet was 3 1/2 years old.

I'm positive.

I know that I have just put the girls in these sparkly dresses for Violet's 4th Birthday bash and forced them to hold a sleepy eyed John.

The rest of the world has moved on but we have not.

Anyway. Summer also means that it's time for the end of softball, the beginning of  swim team, the girls dance recital and long, lazy days at the pool. Which I love, because let's be honest, if we are at the pool 1) My house isn't getting trashed by three rowdy children and 2) I can't clean if we are not home. That's a win - win situation right there.

John briefly flirted with the idea of swimming on our swim team, but in the end the playground was far too attractive. So he's not swimming this year - which is totally fine, even if his swimming would have alleviated my  mommy guilt of his sister's being in summer activities and his not being in one. I'll just have to let that go. Let.It.Go. (and repeat.)

Swim team means Swim Meets, which means cue me becoming 'that' crazy poolside mom. Yes. Oh yes. I may  stand at the end of the lane, on occasion, ( OK, like every time they swim) and cheer and yell for my kids and their friends. Loudly. And jump around. Like a fool at a Josh Groban concert. Whatever.

It may also highly embarrass my husband. Which I just may find pretty entertaining. But the thrill of seeing those kids finish a lap for the first time? Or seeing their face as they touch that wall, winning time or not? Priceless. So I'll be throwing my 39 year old body all around the pool deck again this season, waving my arms and screaming like a fan girl.

It's all good. :)


  1. And you're an awesome mom for doing it!

  2. I had to laugh at your way of saying the rest of the world moved on but your family did not because your kids can't be that old. It seems as if one day we're changing diapers and the next we're looking at colleges. My baby turns 24 this month. It doesn't seem possible because just yesterday she was swimming like a fish in our backyard pool with her too big mask on.

    The good thing is as much as you love your kids now, they will love you more when they are older. Enjoy your beautiful family.

  3. Sounds like a great summer lined up.

    I'm not surprised that you're "that mom." As a kid who had "that mom," well, it's kind of awesome sometimes. Especially if the data is embarrassed ;-)

    And, yeah, don't fret John not having activities . . . he has all of his life for structure. For right now, just letting him play until his heart is content sounds pretty awesome.

  4. I totally find things to do outside of the house, so I don't have to be cleaning and don't have to feel guilty for not cleaning.

  5. oh. I will be that mom. I will be that hockey mom that shows up in a matching track suit and a cow bell.
    Watch me.

  6. aww. lots of memories of summer growing up; most of them involve water :)
    i hear ya about the time warp, even though i've been a mommy way less time than you have. it is nuts!
